Dear @elderberryblu,
Thanks for your great and important question. Disclosure is something that I worried about a lot when I was starting new relationships and has been discussed a lot in other threads (e.g. When/how to disclose hep b in a potential relationship?, Disclosure of your chronic hep b status, Must I disclose my status to housemates?).
Barrier protection and lubrication definitely lower the risk of transmission, though there are other routes of sexual transmission that would not be addressed by this (see here: If Hepatitis B Is Sexually Transmitted, How Come My Partner Isn’t Infected? - Hepatitis B Foundation).
Vaccination also helps protect people, and is recommended for everyone (at least here in Australia, it is on the vaccination schedule for every new-born). While everyone has the responsibility for their own protection by getting vaccinated, I can understand that not everyone does (and it can be hard to insist on a 3-course vaccination series and testing of antibody levels before any intimate activity!).
I myself disclosed it to my current partner when she just came out and asked me when I was describing what I did for a living (within 3 hours of meeting her). She actually was completely fine with it, though understand that this might not be everyone’s experience. The Hepatitis B foundation has some tips and suggestions around this: Romance in the Air? Take a Deep Breath and Disclose - Hepatitis B Foundation.
Hope this all helps,