Does this mean a partial cure?

Thank you for replying to me, I’ll be getting my results tonight from the GP. Hopefully I can share and you guys can give me advice please.

welcome to this forum, dear Ashton.

Firstly, you must be regularly monitored by a doctor, preferably a hepatologist. It will take steps to screen people close to you, depending on your history, who you live with, relationships, among other issues.

I know this pressure on our heads and over time we learn to deal with this issue. I also discovered a year ago that I have HBV and there are good days and bad days. but we must continue, take care of ourselves, believing that there is a lot ahead.

Talk to your partner, once she is vaccinated she will be well protected. this will not be a problem.

and, as already mentioned, we are hopeful that the possibility of a functional cure will soon be offered to all of us. Until then, take care of yourself, visit your doctor regularly, get tested and try to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Don’t let this difficulty define your life. This has been my struggle too. we are together on the journey. and I wish you the best.

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Hi @Ashton,
I want to welcome you to the community. I agree with @A7xImpulse. I want to add that your partner will not lose their career because of fear of getting infected. In many countries health care professionals/workers are required to be vaccinated against hepatitis B. If that is not the case, please get them vaccinated as soon as possible. Nothing should be stopping you from marrying if you have found someone. Hepatitis B can be managed with current antivirals to slow the progression of the virus. And with a fully vaccinated partner, nothing should be stopping you.

Hepatitis B is very prevalent in some areas especially in Asia, Africa and the Pacific Islands. If you were born in any of these areas or have a parent that originates from any of these areas or received blood transfusion in the past then that could possible be the source. It can also be transmitted through sexual contacts with an infected person. As you can see it is not easy or simple to tell how someone got it.

When you feel down, just remember that you are not alone. I hope this is helpful.
And about the stigma, I am hoping it ends at some point as we continue to increase education and awareness about this virus.
Best, bansah1


Hi Thomas and Availlant
Is there any article or research that you can refer with reference of HCC cases comparing to Genotype of HBV virus?


Any advice my GP has me confused.
Any would be appreciated thank you

Dear @Ashton ,

It appears that you have been previously infected with HBV (HBcAg antibody positive) and subsequently achieved functional cure as you have no detectable HBsAg (sometimes free anti-HBs antibodies appear when this happens). Treatment is not needed in your case. A HBV DNA result is missing here but very likely this is also negative (no viral replication present).

If you have had regular blood tests, ALT should be normal (no liver inflammation).


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Does this mean I’m infectious and have I been spreading it sexually with my ex partners. Do I have to tell people that I get close too. Sorry for all these questions. I’m just in shock I don’t know how I got that ? Thank you again

Dear @Ashton ,

Either you got it from your mother at birth or through unprotected sex or even from a dentist’s visit. It is estimated that only 10% of people with HBV infection even know that they are infected because there can be no symptoms for decades. You are not alone in this surprise discovery and there is no shame or fault in it.

You should notify all sexual partners of the possibility that they have contracted HBV (regardless of the use of condoms or not).

A HBV DNA test will prove that you are not infectious now (this is very likely the case given that you are HBsAg negative). However, it is possible that you were infectious in the past.


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Does this also mean I need to tell all future partners too. Since I’m not infectious

Dear @Ashton ,

Even if you are currently HBV DNA undetectable (and likely have functional cure), the potential for transmission of infection is still there (even though very unlikely). In this scenario and even for people who are under suppressive antiviral therapy, future partners should be informed. Chronic HBV infection is lifelong (like HIV).


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All the experts,
Could you please provide your response?


All the experts,
Could you pls provide your response on this?

What if mine after all checks it is not chronic. Am I cured for life ?

Hi @staystrong,
HBV genotype studies are far in between, because some of these genotypes are new to researchers. You can do a quick search on PubMed website on the topic. Or even try Googling the topic if you have not done so already. Best, Bansah1.

Hi @staystrong, a very interesting study was done in the Alaskan population regarding HBV genotype and HCC - HBV Genotype: A Significant Risk Factor in Determining Which Patients With Chronic HBV Infection Should Undergo Surveillance for HCC: The Hepatitis B Alaska Study - PMC. It’s only a single population (other populations may vary), but they found some genotypes are more likely to cause cancer than others. As others have said, this is a matter of degree not absolutes (all HBV genotypes have been associated with increased liver cancer rates). There’s a good review here describing the research to date:

Hope this helps,

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Thank you Thomas for your response.

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I came across this post by Thomas a while back where you refer to a large taiwan study where there is no difference in HCC incidence for those with viral loads below 2000 and those with below 60. Now, why is there a growing trend to treat (i.e with Vemlidy or viread) even when load is below 2000 (partial cure)? What really happens if you put someone who has attained immune control on Vemlidy? Say someone whose load roves between 120 and 200? @ThomasTu and @availlant. Apologies if I seem to be asking many questions

Hi @CNN,

That’s a great question. There are many reasons why someone may choose to be on treatment other than reduction of HCC risk: e.g. not wanting to wait, reducing any risk of onwards transmission, etc. We also do not know how much benefit antivirals have longer than the follow up period (>13 years) and it may be best to provide the choice for patients.

Hope this helps,

Also while the Taiwanese dataset is arguably the largest dataset it is still limited its follow-up and lack of ethnic diversity. We also know from the most recent Polaris Group data that death rates with HBV are increasing as significant portions of the identified patient population (with HBV) are ageing and HCC is part of this problem (even in NUC suppressed patients). There is also data showing that HCC rates under NUC therapy are only significantly improved when therapy is started before 50 years of age. I think that the best way to think of the issue is that resuction in HCC rates (relative to untreated patients with chronic HBV) are reduced if the patient achieves partial cure, better with efficient NUC suppression started early and the best with functional cure.


Thank you Thomas and Availlant. Very useful. I count myself luck to have found this forum. One more questions:

  1. Is there any research that has give these some average data % data i.e reduced if the patient achieves partial cure = xx%, better with efficient NUC suppression started early =xx% and the best with functional cure =xx%. I understand that decision to go or not to go on treatment needs to be done with my doctor.