Freshly diagnosed with Hep B

Hi @Opa,

Just to clarify, most people with Hep B don’t have any obvious symptoms (which is a problem for diagnosis - only about 10% of people with Hep B know they have it). I haven’t experienced many symptoms myself and live a pretty normal life.

Re: food. It might be good to go through these threads: Food, Activity, and habits alternatives guid and Lifestyle changes, nutrition, and supplements for hep b - #34 by Jason_Escalera. It is not necessary to cut out all oil completely (your body does need some fats/oils to survive), but instead the recommendation is making sure that you have a balanced diet that isn’t too much of one thing.

[quote=“Javer, post:34, topic:5210”]
Next week, I’ve booked another blood test to check how the hep b infection is going, if the viral load is up or down etc. [/quote]

Thanks for the updates, @javer and @Davis2267. Sorry to hear about your experiences, but please keep us posted about your results. Wishing you both the strength to get through this rough time.
