How have you dealt with discrimination because of your HBV status?

Dear @awesomo ,

Thank you for sharing your story, and it’s great that ChatGPT is supporting us too :slight_smile: !

I’m sorry about your experiences with rejection, of course it is quite painful when it happens. I hope you don’t lose hope in others because many of my experiences in sharing with others has been very positive and accepting. I hope you find your tribe.

Regarding your treatment, as long as you are positive for HBsAg (and regardless of your HBV DNA level), treatment guidelines strongly recommend maintaining your treatment. There is a risk of reactivation and liver damage if you do stop while HBsAg-positive.

Hope this helps and please keep us updated on your status.



Welcome @Kiowa6530

Thanks for sharing. Prayer is powerful. I know from experience. So keep doing it.
I’m sorry you have been treated this way, it is wrong and in most countries illegal,
I don’t share my diagnosis because people don’t understand. They have been educated that is very contagious which it is but only under certain circumstances, touch is not one of them. It is their fear reacting so don’t take it personally. Hard to do because I know I would too.
Where do you live? Can you change prisons?
I don’t get any pain from the HBV so that could be something else.
I’ve found a lot of us, HBV carriers, including myself used to blame every ache and pain on HBV, to find out it was from another cause and that HBV doesn’t cause any pain. That’s why it’s called the silent killer.
You may have been feeling sick from the appendicitis.
Keep sharing, we are here for you. I’ve had the disease since 1980! Living a full life.

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Hi @awesomo,
Thanks for sharing your experience with us and sorry about you facing rejection. This is common with some HBV patients. You can still find love and have a family, it might be challenging but possible. If a woman or a friend rejects you because you have HBV, then I believe they do not deserve you either and it is their loss. You must believe you are more than HBV and worthy just like everyone else. Having a positive mindset and practicing daily affirmation will help you look at yourself as worthy.

Don’t let these negative experiences from a few people stop you from living your life and dreams. Rejection is horrible, but we cannot stop living or dreaming. You are correct about the lack of education and awareness about HBV. We need to do more to improve this aspect in the fight. If you need to talk to someone, contact the Hepatitis Foundation Ghana. They have an amazing staff that might be helpful. Best, Bansah1