Dear @PuallyHBV ,
Thank you so much for the kind words, they really help me feel like the time and efforts we put into these initiatives are worthwhile.
Re: Q&A sessions, the leadership group (composed of me, @Joan_Block, @Suwang88, @chari.cohen, and @jessicah) have definitely put it on our to-do list. As you can imagine, it is a long list and we’re slow to get through them at the moment because of competing interests.
What you and others might be interested in is an event I am organising as president of the Australian Centre of Hepatitis Virology. As part of World Hepatitis Day, we’re running a town-hall style event with a panel of scientific and medical experts, aimed at people with Hep B and discussing what medical research in the viral hepatitis field has done in the last few decades and highlight how far we’ve come in less than a person’s lifetime. Details will come out soon, but I hope to have it recorded and allow people to submit questions for these experts ahead of time, so that the panel can answer them even if it’s outside your timezone.
Re: donations, I am very sure that the Hepatitis B Foundation appreciates your support no matter the actual amount. If you want to donate specifically to this site, here are the details (from our forum golden rules)
With the Hepatitis B foundation page, you can select where you want to direct your donations towards.
Yes, funding is an issue, and we are hoping to get enough to hire someone to help out with a lot of the admin and expansion of the site which would help us reach (and serve) more people that need help. I have already been writing a few grant applications for this; we just have to see how they are received.
And thank you for acknowledging the work of all the people that volunteer their time out of the passion they have for this project. We definitely don’t get any monetary gain out of this work, but are paid in the goodwill of the affected community and knowledge that we might make some people’s lives a bit better.
Yours sincerely,