Dear @Brittneybc01, welcome to the community. I’ve transferred your post to the lab results thread and hopefully we can put your mind at ease.
Dear @Makhan_Komala, thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I’m sorry to hear about the hardship you’re going through, but know that you’re not alone. There are many people with Hep B living full, productive lives.
Regarding the shame and guilt, I completely understand. I think my mother felt the same thing when I found out I had Hep B, but I never once thought that she needed to feel bad. There was nothing else she could do, she did the best she could under the circumstances. I hope you can accept this too. There are other threads talking about living with hep B here: How have you dealt with discrimination because of your HBV status?, Dealing with the diagnosis in a relationship, and Must I disclose my status to housemates?.
I hope these help,