Hey there, Rob @sloped876
You know what, I had been a chronic HBV carrier from age 11 to 41 (when I got spontaneously cured),
in the past few years I had frequently recurring myalgia fits, not as a diagnosis, but as a symptom that was not attended. It reminded me the drawling muscle pain I had when I was on interferon-A for HBV about 15 ago (like an echo pain from the past). This muscle pain episodes subsided when started to do yoga once a week and long walks and cold exposures. I even think that these pains may have been caused by my body reacting to HBV or trying to fight it (like it was unsuccessfully doing during interferon treatment).
Go ahead and read my story of spontaneous cure A story of achieving spontaneous functional cure after over 30 years of chronic HBV.
I sure hope you be inspired by it, or maybe you will find something useful in it.
Wishing you a long exciting life!