INTRODUCTION THREAD: People affected by Hep B

Hi @sslim,
Thanks for sharing. Dealing with this disease can be challenging at times. I think it is normal with you feeling alright at times and not at other times. It can sometimes feel like a lonely place and journey. Keep up doing what makes you feel good and positive. If your viral load continues to remain this high, have a conversation with your provider to see whether getting on treatment will be an option for you. Even though your liver function tests looks great, damage can still be done to your liver due to the high viral load.

You are not alone, keep your head up and take it one day at a time. I know it is easier said than done but at least we can try, right? Best, Bansah1.


This is very progressive for Uganda. Wondering about Kenya. Don’t we have such organizations?

Which organisation is in uganda? Am in this same uganda but cannot get help.

Dear @Opa and @CNN,

Whenever I look for support organizations, I look at the world hepatitis alliance website (particularly their member search page: I encourage you to use this site to help find local supporters.

Hope this helps,

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Possibly this one:

Thank you @ThomasTu It’s a shame Kenya is not on the list…

1 Like @Gipsy kindly share her details with me here.Thank you :pray:

Hello @pfinkbeiner , Hello, First of all note that I am not a doctor and I’m only sharing my story as I feel you can learn from it. I tested positive for hepatitis B on the 26th of February this year(2024).

I did a lot of research and I concluded that I shouldn’t take any medication since I was still in the acute stage despite the fact that my doctor prescribed a medication for me and I even bought the medication them but finally choose not to take them as my blood work showed a viral load of 183,
HBeAb positive and
HBeAg negative.

I did another good test on the 18th of may and HBsAg came out negative. My symptoms started on the 1st of February, and I got cured on the 18th of May, so it took about 14weeks.

I suggest you do a blood test now to confirm, HBsAg might be gone already. Good luck.

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I am a 51 year old female, happily married for 31 years. My husband and I are both newly diagnosed and both medicated. We have been searching to the answer to 1 question. We need to know if we were both infected together and are being treated at the same time is it necessary to use protection during intercourse? We are monogamous and it is seriously not the same experience with condoms yuk.

Dear @Tami,

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. In this case, there is no extra risk of HBV transmission with unprotected sex if you already have both been exposed to HBV and are on antiviral medication. The use of protection is your choice and something that needs to consider other aspects as well, but with regards to Hepatitis B it should not pose additional risk.


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Hi Eddy…welcome to the group…it gets better with time…after all the shock and fears…Eat well, pray and believe everything will be okay…there are doctors in the group who can answer your other questions.

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Welcome to the group Tami

Hi, Tami,
My doctor told me I can’t be re-infected with HBV and can’t infect someone who has it.
I guess there is some solace in knowing you both have it and can be together.
Take care!

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Hi @Samson100,

Welcome to the forum. It is unclear from your post what the results actually are. Are the results “null” for all of them? In this case, it doesn’t sound like they actually did the tests.


Hi @ThomasTu,

I was diagnose with Hepa B since last 2010. I went to our local doctor here in the philippines. Thank God I am a healthy carrier. And the doctor told me that risk of transmission is low. And instructed me to do a healthy living. My question is their possibility that I can work in Australia in construction project position? Also I am not planning to reside in australia. Since my plan is to just earn money. Do company will allow me to work in australia with my current situation? Thank you

Hi @Samson100,

Thanks for the clarification. These results are consistent with a chronic HBV infection.

It is best to understand the condition of your liver with a liver function test, as well as a fibroscan.

Additional tests that will be important in your management includes a HBV DNA (PCR) test.


Hi @Jay_Reyes,

Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your story. There’s more information about this in other threads:

Hope these help,

Hi everyone! It is nice to join this great community! I am currently living in the United States. I was recently diagnosed as Cirrhosis and receiving treatment. I was tested positive for Hep B virus way back about thirty years ago when I was in China. I had anti virus treatment then but stopped one or two years later as the doctor suggested that I was a health carrier and there was no necessary for treatment. Then I just lived with it for many years. It was my bad that I did not take this very seriously in the past three decades and now it gets worse.

I am still in the compensated stage and there has been no symptoms yet. But I know it is very dangerous right now if I don’t stop its progress. I am taking the Tenofovir and it looks like very effective. My DNA report just came out that the virus quantity has been decreased to 29 from 2.8 million IU/mL. My ALT is 47 which is a bit higher. My platelets is low (112). Hopefully I can stop the progress and get things better.

I appreciate @ThomasTu creating such an amazing community, many doctors and scientists helping here, and many many more friends sharing their experiences. Thank you so much!


Hi @geomo,
Welcome to the community and thanks for sharing your experience. I am glad to hear that the treatment is working. This virus needs to be taken seriously and I hope you sharing your experience is going to encourage other people to stay monitored and under care even if they do not require treatment. Let’s remain hopeful that the antivirals can help your liver recover from any cirrhotic damage. Keep us posted. Bansah1.

Thank you, @Bansah1 ! Yes, I hope any one who is affected by this virus takes seriously from day one knowing it.
Now I am trying my best to manage my current situation by medical treatment and lifestyle changes. Hopefully the situation can be reversed, though I know it is harder to reverse a cirrhosis than to reverse a fibrosis. Anyway, I need to keep positive and make the changes. It is never late to make a change.