INTRODUCTION THREAD: People affected by Hep B

Thank you so much @ Bansah1 and @ Thomas tu. This community is really helping and atleast I feel am not alone Whois going through this


Hi May I know if Your HbsAg and HbsAb are Negative and positive respectively

Welcome @Esther
You are definitely not alone. Many of us are regularly on this forum.
The longest wait for an answer would be two days.
I’ve had HBV over forty years and it hasn’t made my life too difficult. There are worse illnesses.
I hope you clear the virus and thanks for sharing.

I haven’t yet tested but checked the viral load four weeks ago it was <10 IU/ml and DNA detected

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Hi everyone, I’m Abdulsamad Ibrahim, 24 Male Nigerian, and a chronic Hepatitis B carrier.
I’m really glad to be among you all, and looking forward to learn alot you all and amazing future conversations.

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Welcome to the forum, @Samad_ibrahim.

Please feel free to ask questions and update us on how you’re travelling. Hope you find the support that you need here!


Thank you @ThomasTu, I really appreciate the love and support in this community. I’m so glad to have joined.


Yes they are both - and + respectively

Dear @ThomasTu and @availlant

Please help me on my result, in September 26

Everything normal with sometimes high inflammation and consistent symptoms like tiredness .

Hbsag 174iu/ml
Hbv dna 154 iu/ml

my last or latest test did in January 29, 2025 with below results

Hbsag 163iu/ml
Hbv dna 621iu/ml
Other lab result all normal

Doctor suggested me not to take any medication but still i have many symptoms which even highly affect quality of life plus work capacity and overall energy.

What the best i can do ? How i can convince my doctor to start medication with this result.

Thank you

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Hi @lemlem,

These lab results are consistent with being in an immune control phase and very low levels of virus. There is no strong clinical evidence that antiviral treatment would improve the symptoms that you feel or reduce liver disease progression. It appears that your doctor is following treatment guidelines appropriately.

However, if you feel there are other issues that may be improved by treatment (e.g., reducing your anxiety), then this may be something that you can raise with your health care professional.



Thank you very much @ThomasTu i do not have other issue like any coinfections and for hbv Well noted to manage my anxiety and that mean low level progression will continue untile functional cure come ? Like.we can not make hbv dna zero incase if that is main cuase for.all.these symptoms.

Bedt regards


Hello Jane, My name is Damola and I was diagnosed around 2018 and since then Inhave only been on Livolin prescribed by a local pharmacy. I don’t feel comfortable talking about it to anyone. I have only been on Livolin but lately, I’ve been noticing some changes in my body like loss of appetite. Can you guide me?

I live in Lagos, Nigeria.


Hi Damola. I’m also from Lagos

Hello and welcome @Deedeejh
I’m sorry you are not feeling the best.
A pharmacist is not a specialist in liver disease.
We have some doctors you could visit in your area.
But I’ll need help from our experts to pass onto you.
I think they will also give you some information on Livera.
Thanks for sharing. Any questions you have don’t hesitate to ask.


Hi @Deedeejh,

It may be good to chat to the local community in Nigeria - there is a thread here: Hepatitis B in Nigeria: discussion thread

As discussed in previous threads, there is no strong evidence that livolin helps with Hepatitis B just like other herbal remedies - Herbal Remedies and Supplements » Hepatitis B Foundation

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Hi Damola
I’m sorry to hear how you feel.
Where did you get the diagnosis of Hepatitis B?
Was it a hospital?
You need to visit a liver specialist in Lagos…what part of Lagos are you?
You can visit a government hospital as that’ll be cheaper for you. Private ones would be faster but that’ll be more expensive, except you have a private insurance.
We can talk via a call if you’d like. I’ll send you my WhatsApp number


I was diagnosed of HBV and I just took some tests, the viral load test and profiling but I don’t know how to read it. Can anyone help me please?

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Hi Thomas,

I’m Madt from Northern Canada. I’m not positive yet but exposed and I think I’m symptomatic looking forward to figure out how to post so I can share and get some info

Welcome @Chocolatebox

We can help you understand your results. Please post them.
Did the doctor not explain them?


Welcome @Madt

Great that you’ve found us.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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