Both great points and definitely issues that need to be really well investigated before wide-spread use.
Dear @lemlem, great question. We know that even with natural clearance of HBV (acute infection), people still have active cccDNA in their liver. This is generally well suppressed by our immune system, but the infection can reactivate if you are put on very strong immunosuppressants that affect B-cells (the producers of antibodies).
Thanks for bringing up this interesting research. This approach is essentially looking to inactivate the HBV DNA using the body’s processes of shutting down gene activity. This effectiveness of this approach would still be virus sequence dependent for the area that is targeted.
We don’t really know what the success rate will be in people until the clinical trials are completed and published.
This approach is sequence dependent so will suffer from the same limitations we have already observed with all other approaches like this (siRNA, antisense, ARCUS).