Nucleic acid polymers (NAPs): targeting subviral particles to achieve HBV functional cure

Lastly, I have read about cases of salivary gland disorder and hyposalivation amoung some hiv positief persons, about 8% of studied. And this was not DILS syndrom. More significant in the era of ART is the increased prevalence of salivary gland disease. ART medication was not the cause nor the solution. Personally, I think it can be delta virus which cause Sjogren like symptoms amoung hiv positief as well as amoung hiv negatief Sjogren patients described by Utah scientists.
But as I think about new virus like delta in salivary glands, I would first look at hiv positief patients to observe if they have such symptoms. And they have often hyposalivation, regardless the age, duration of infection, gender and ART medication.
Maybe it would be worth to check if NAPs work for this group of patients.

@availlant Is there any trial for Rep 2139 Mg subcutaneous injections in progress or close to start ? As I can see on your website such trials with nucs and +/- interferon, were planed for Q1 2024 and I can not find any on

Dear @sorte,

There are two trials being planned (one for HBV and one for HBV/HDV). When these are finalized they will appear on our website as well as on
