Vemlidy (Tenofovir Alafenamide) in the UK

Thank you dear, sry for the late reply, i talked to someone in uk and he said the time zone isnt a big thing to worry about, so im less stressed now, and drs here suggest me to take 2 pills taf+env since my virus load has not been under the standard yet,but i guess i will wait till couple more months.
wish you the best


Dear does the hospital give you this perscription pills for free?

Hi all,

Does anyone know whether Vemlidy (Tenofovir alafenamide 25mg) tablets are available on prescription in the UK? I am not a UK citizen and I am receiving TAF treatment in my country. I might stay in the UK for extended period of time in near future but I read online somewhere that Vemlidy is not authorised in the UK and what you can get instead are Entecavir or Tenofovir Disoproxil for CHB. It would be concerning if I have to change my treatment.


Hi @wataru,

Here is a link I found on the subject. I hope this helps you; if not, then go ahead and feel free to post again and elaborate further and hopefully some of our UK folks can pitch in.

Good luck!


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Hi @PuallyHBV ,

Thank you for the link - it is very useful! It seems that TAF is not available in the UK and TDF is likely to be given instead!


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Good day guys. Greetings to everyone. Been long i have been here. I was residing previously so was using TAF as it was available. I moved to UK so i have been on TDF but my recent results show hypophosphatemia. I have asked to be changed to TAF up to no avail, was told if they will switch me, it will likely be to Entecavir. I have not been able to see a hepatologist in the NHS, i have been seeing hepatology nurses. I already have muscle weakness and tiredness, nothing done yet. I am thinking of getting the TAF from Nigeria if possible. Or any idea on what i can do. Thanks.

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I am really worried about my liver. I don’t know what is going on. I actually am hbv positive and also had nafld. I am on TDF currently but my recent liver function tests haven’t been encouraging. I had fibroscan done 1year ago which was 5 3kpa. Since the diagnosis i have lost 20% of my weight. Alt is going up from 31 last January to 37 in july, Albumin going down from 41 in october 2023 to 37 in july 2024, platelets also going down from 226k to 170k. Its difficult to see a gastroenterologist here in the UK, been seeing hepatology nurses. They kept saying everything is ok since the values are borderline normal. I don’t know what to do.

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Hello @Tsbs

It’s normal for bloods to fluctuate. And yours are not high. From my knowledge which is experience not a doctor.
Are you having ultrasounds?
They hepatitis nurses are good. If they have any concerns, they run things by the doctor. So I know how hard it is to accept them saying that everything is okay because I’ve been through that myself.
Try to relax. Stress is not good for your liver.

Hi @Tsbs,

Just moving this to a more suitable thread. As mentioend above, TAF is not available in the UK, but TDF and ETV work just as well at suppressing the virus.

It is great that your fibroscan scores are so low, this is consistent with a healthy liver. The change between 31 and 37 isn’t big and is more likely to be just day to day differences in either yourself or even the testing equipment.

Hope this helps,

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Thanks for your response. I understand the ALT can fluctuate. But platelets declining and albumin also declining gives the notion that something sinister is going on. That’s what got me worried.

No ultrasound, i dont think they do here. I have only had the fibroscan which was last year. Worried about the platelets and albumin. Thanks for your response.

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Hi @Tsbs,

Your health providers are right that it is still within normal range (which takes into account your body’s day-to-day variations, variations in the population, variations in the testing kits, etc.) and it is hard to draw conclusions from 2 time points.

The appropriate thing to do is see if this is a real pattern through ongoing monitoring. However, with the current results, there is likely nothing to worry about.

Hope this helps,

Thank you. Attached are the test results showing why i am worried.