When/how to disclose hep b in a potential relationship?

Hi Thomas!

That’s amazing you created this forum! It’s helps me a lot!
I was crying in the middle of the night when I found this forum and topic.


Dating is scary am afraid they might use it for emotional blackmail and also afraid of stigma am 25 now got diagonised at 16 i have no idea to date how i got it which makes me sad because i need that closure … i was a virgin until 22 also my family dont have it . I wasnt involved with anyone sexually until 22 as i said . I feel i atleast need closure but how
I feel i will end up alone since i dont have the courage for thee conversation
Wish there was a dating site or something for us
I feel so alone

Dear @Wyne,

Welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your experiences. I’m so sorry to hear about how hep B has impacted your life. I completely understand how it can all seem so hopeless.

All I can say is that there have been plenty of people who have found love and partnership despite their hep B status. I myself am married to someone who is Hep B negative. It requires open communication and understanding, just like every relationship.

Please keep us updated on your journey and hope you find the support you need.
