5million viral load

Hi @ScienceExperts

Can one have high viral load in millions when they have acute hepatitis B?or having high viral load mean that you are chronic?I don’t know where I got this virus. I am 32. I have been living with my husband for 10 years. But he is negative also my child is negative.And when you have such high viral load does it mean it will affect my liver? My liver function results came back normal.I am currently on treatment started in May 2024.I haven’t tested after 6 months to know if I’m chronic or not but doctor said I must start treatment because of high viral load.

Hi @thegiver25,
Yes, it is possible to have high viral load as an acute or a chronic patient. This is due to the high level of viral replication going on in the body by HBV. I am glad you started treatment, for living with that high viral load can lead to liver damage. Good to get that number lower. I hope this is helpful. Bansah1


@Bansah1 Thank you for the response. So let’s say it’s acute and when I go test again after November which is 6 months. I find that I’m cleared . Should I stop the treatment or am I still taking it for life?

Your doctor should help you make that decision. It should be based on your results and if you have any symptoms. Don’t make such a decision on your own.

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Noted. Thank you! I will speak to him.

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Dear @thegiver25,

Very high viral loads like the one you have reported are usually accompanied by elevated ALT in the acute phase of infection. This might be acute infection or re-flare of previously inactive chronic HBV infection.

Starting NUC therapy was definitely the correct approach here. It should not be stopped until your HBsAg becomes undetectable for 6 months.


Good evening @availlant

Thank you for your response and advises . This community assisted me mentally. Always assuring me that I’m not alone and I can live normal life. I am from South Africa and I have never heard anyone talk about this virus. I’m scared to share the news. But one day I will be brave.

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Dear @thegiver25 ,

You are already brave for sharing your story and seeking advice on this forum!

We look forward to hearing how things are going.



Hi @Bansah1 @availlant

I am having my first check upon Tuesday 28 January 2025 after 6 months of starting treatment and had miscarriage in May 2024. I just feel like the first time I got the news I’m so nervous and can’t even cope with work.

I really hope my viral load went down from 5million. I really wanna try falling pregnant again. I stopped drinking alcohol in March 2024 when I found out I was pregnant , i decided to stop for good after finding out about HBV.

What are the chances of me having less than 2000 viral load. It means I need to wait for my viral load to decrease before trying for another baby? That’s what my physician suggested. Thank you :pray:t4:

Hi @thegiver25,
I am sorry to hear about that. After 6 months of treatment, yes you should see a huge decrease in your viral load. It’s hard to say if it will be at 2000. Each person is different and 5 million is high. These medications work and sometimes just needs time. You will get there.

I do agree with your doctor about getting your viral load to a manageable level before you try again. We want to make sure you have the best chance of getting through pregnancy without your liver getting damaged and reducing any chances of the virus affecting the pregnancy. You should be able to try again once those viral load numbers drop and there are no abnormal liver tests results. Give it some few more months if you don’t get in the 2000 range. Keep us posted. Bansah1.


Dear @thegiver25 ,

I echo Bright’s comments here.

Dealing with a miscarriage is a very painful experience and you should look forward to being able to get pregnant again but please relax and be patient. Please do not be worried. You will get there!



@Bansah1 @availlant thank you so much. I will come with feedback on Tuesday


Hi @availlant @Bansah1

I am happy to say I received my results and came back Detected still with 18 IU/Ml viral load from 5million. Liver and kidney came back normal. My Physician say I must still take treatment for the rest of my life.I am taking Truvada


Dear @thegiver25,

Excellent antiviral response here!



Hi @thegiver25,
Thanks for the update. This is great news and the magic of our current pool of antivirals. They work so great at reducing viral loads and slowing disease progression, we need them to cure HBV which would be fantastic. Anyway, that is what we have right now and we hope for better options soon. Keep taking it and remain under care. Best, Bansah1