Aghbs lower and lower, it has never increased in these three years since I have hepatitis B, the first time the amount of Aghbs was 441, since then it has been decreasing and reached 33.2. Hepatitis B viremia was always below < 10, but now for the first time it is undetectable. 3 YEARS , LOW HBV DNA, LOW AgHBS QUANTITATIVE On 27.08.2024 I had a medical check-up, the quantitative Agbbs dropped to 33.2 and VIRAL DNA IS UNDETECTABLE. I have never been on antiviral treatment for hepatitis B.
Hello, what you posted doesn’t look at all as HbsAg quantitative test, but instead qualitative test, which is useless.
I talked to the doctor and she confirmed that it is a quantitative Aghbs test.
The result is not quantitative. Because you should have a unit of measure, and that doesn’t appear on the report. I’m also from Romania, and usually the public hospitals don’t have the machine that does the HbsAg quantitative. If you really want to see it go to Synevo or Bioclinica.
You see there. For Viremia where is quantitative you have a unit of measure, but for HbsAg where is the unit of measure that cell is empty, therefore you are misleading yourself, because that result is not HbsAg quantitative, but just qualitative.
Doamna doctor a spus că este cantitativ , doar că în momentul in care a printat analiza nu a adaugat unitatea de măsură , trebuia selectată apoi printat analiza . Dar m asigurat că este Aghbs cantitativ , la spitalul Matei Blas din Bucuresti fac Aghbs cantitativ . Acest lucru l am lămurit cand am fost anul acesta in Febroarie la control . Deci la analiza Aghbs trebuie să selecteze unitatea de măsură , nu se afisează automat ca la cele lalte analize , dar a omis să selecteze " cantitativ " în general medici dacă stiu ei ce este acea analiză nu prea are timp să se mai complice cu selectare unitate de măsură .
I agree that at Matei Bales they have the medical equipment to do it. The entire wording there in the report is totally misleading, this is way I instead.
In my view you should still repeat at a private lab, just to confirm it for yourself. I will not trust entirely their test, considering the value numbers being so low without treatment, and this is extremely rare.
Doamna Doctor mi a spus că sunt un caz rar , a mai avut ocazia să întânlească asa ceva , din acest motiv mi a spus că sunt sanse ca hepatita B se va elimina iar peste 12 luni când revin la control medical , Agbbs o să fie negativ si prezența anti hbs peste 10 . Doamna Doctor când a văzut Aghbs cantitativ 52 din febroarie anul acesta , mi a spus că acest virus se va elimina . Eu cred că virusul se va elimina mai devreme de 12 luni raportat la cantitatea de Aghbs din acest motiv peste 6 luni o să repet din propria initiativă Aghbs să văd dacă este pozitiv sau negativ deci nu o să fac cantitativ costă mult , o să fac calitativ .
Congrats and wish you steady decline and cure. Keep us posted in the future.
I can’t understand your results but one of our medical members hopefully will be able to help you. They should answer soon.
@ThomasTu @availlant @Bansah1
Thank you for sharing
Dear @MARIAN ,
The Vitros HBsAg (Ag HBs), anti-HBs antibody (AcHBs) and anti-HBc IgG antibody (AcHBcIgG1) tests are all QUALITATIVE tests- they can only can report the presence or absence of HBsAg, anti-HBs or anti-HBc.
In your latest post under "Markeri hepatici: you have the reported result (which is not quantitative) and the interpretation of each below it. There are no reported units because none of these assays are quantitative. There is no clinically suitable quantitative assay for anti-HBc IgG anyways.
Reporting the actual test output from qualitative assays should not be done as these numbers have no real relationship to the actual amount of antigen or antibody present.
On the other hand, your HBV DNA test is QUANTITATIVE so it reports units (IU/mL).
So the interpretation of your results is as follows:
You have chronic HBV infection but are HBeAg negative with very low HBV DNA. This means you most likely have inactive HBV. However to be sure, we would need to be sure that your liver function is normal with no signs of inflammation. This is usually done with tests for liver function including ALT and an ultrasound of your liver.
I spoke with the Doctor, she told me that the two tests in the picture are: quantitative “33” and qualitative “Positive”. So there are two positive Agbbs tests but also quantitative. @availlant
The only globally recognized standards for quantitative HBsAg and anti-HBs standards are the Abbott Architect and Roche Elecsys test platforms.
It may be that your local lab has adapted an marketed qualitative test for quantitative testing. This is ok in principle if the test is validated with linearity and specificity against WHO international standards. If they are not reporting IU (international units) for the test result, this may not be the case. In such circumstances, your quantitative HBsAg result will not be comparable to others obtained with recognized test platforms. If they have made the effort to perform international quantitative standardization and have met quality standards set by the Romanian government, then they should be reporting IU/mL for HBsAg.
In any case, this does not impact your diagnosis, disease state or the other steps for liver evaluation I mentioned.
INSTITUTUL NAȚIONAL DE BOLI INFECȚIOASE " PROFESOR DR. MATEI BALȘI " este spitalul la care fac control medical și analize pentru hepatită B Laborator Imunologie - @availlant
A well known and reputable institution. They do quantitative HBsAg testing but I am not sure if this test is qualified with a international WHO standard.