Anxiety and fear

Hi everyone, I have some questions.

  1. Which Genotype of HBV mostly cause HCC in with NO FIBROSIS ?

  2. Is it true that genotype C cause HCC in older age, and in presence of cirrhosis?

  3. I am an Indian, Sex : Male. I think I have Genotype C (not confirmed by test) because my father has C. HbeAg : Negative (since my diagnosis with CHB). I am Taking TAF daily since last four years.

Last HBV DNA quant result (02/01/24) : “UNDETECTABLE” .

Before initiation of TAF it was more than 2200000 IU/ML.

Last ultrasound report (11/08/23) : “NORMAL SONOGRAPHIC STUDY”.

Last fibroscan was done before initiation of TAF, it showed “NO SIGNIFICANT FIBROSIS”

All parameters in LFT are normal.

Now what is the chance of HCC ?

I am always afraid of HCC, because I have read many articles claiming that HBV genotype C is the most common among patients with HCC.

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Hi @Bijan,
These are great questions. Yes, there is some evidence suggesting that genotype C and D carry a lifetime higher risk of cirrhosis and HCC. Genotype C is also known for possible viral mutation. If you are in Southeastern Asia then you have a high likelihood of having genotype C because that is
the genotype observed in that area.

Because you are taking antivirals, it can reduce your chances for HCC. Nothing is guaranteed but that is the expectation. The antivirals slow the disease progression and protects the liver from severe damage by reducing the amount of virus in our blood. A higher viral load will lead to severe liver damage much faster than a lower viral load.

I understand you are afraid and concerned about HCC, but remember that not everyone with this genotype will develop HCC. Having genotype C is a risk factor but it does not mean everyone will be developing HCC.

Remain hopeful, live your life as best as you can and don’t worry too much about this. Take care of your health right now and it will serve you well down the road. Living in constant fear weakens your immune system and is not good for your overall health. Try not to worry too much about what you can’t control. Best, Bansah1


I agree with @Bansah1. Really, the effect of genotypes is one of degree (it is not absolute). That is to say, there are some that are more likely than others but they can all drive HCC. But this risk is much much lower with antiviral treatment.


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