I Intend to travel to Malaysia for studies, I read it online that they don’t allow students with HBV to register in the pass, but sometime in 2015, the policy was amended to allow international students with HBV but at non-infectious state (depending on HBeAg and HBeAb). Is anyone aware if the policy is still in place or has anyone with HBV been denied study visa lately?
I think @Jack_Wallace might have interviewed some people from Malaysia and this might have come up. Otherwise, I’m not sure.
Thank you @ThomasTu. Hopefully, more contributions may come in.
G’day @Smart55 and @ThomasTu TT - I’m not aware of the situation in Malaysia, but have asked a colleague from there if they have any further information. I’ll let you know when I hear something.
Thank you so much for your efforts @Jack_Wallace @ThomasTu
@Jack_Wallace, have we new Information yet? Many thanks in advance.
Sorry Smart55 - am following up again for a response.
@Jack_Wallace Okay, thank you for your effort.
from what i know ive have frdz online change school options cause they found out malaysia dont offer hepb carrier with students visa hope this helps
@Limin Thank you for this information.
My apologies, but my contact in Malaysia has let me down, and I have no useful information about this. I will keep an ear to the ground and let you the team know if anything comes up.
Is okay @Jack_Wallace ,I really appreciate it.
Still valid. If the HBeAg still positive, there will be additional tests for HBV DNA, AFP.
@Maria Thank you for your response. I recently got rejected from Universiti Putra Malaysia, they asked me to declare my health status before I enroll for online classes while my visa is on process. I got a medical report from a Hepatologist who explained to them that my scans and liver function test among others are all normal, yet I was not even given the chance for further tests from them. It was a devastating experience.
I’m sorry to hear that. During the first examination.My son was declared unfit to study there,but he brought a medical report from a hepatologist and filed an appeal. EMGS asked for further checks and finally he was accepted and got a student pass on August 1st,2022. Have you done an appeal?
@Maria .Wow! Please is your son’s institution a public institution or private institution? I could remember my supervisor wrote to the Dean of the Faculty and School of Postgraduate Studies for possible appeal but non of them said anything meaningful.
When my son came to Malaysia, the university asked him to do a medical check up at the clinic appointed by the university. When the results of the medical check up came out, he was declared unfit fot school in Malaysia (failed). Well, this clinic helped him in the appeal process to EMGS
@Maria Thank you for your responses, can you please help me with the name of the institution? Because I heard public universities there are more strict, your answer may help me in pursuing my case again. Thank you in advance.
My son goes to UCSI university and the name of the clinic that helps him is Laurent Bleu Path Lab
Thank you for providing me this information. I was made to understand that there’s a second guideline used for those who failed medicals and whose institution is under EMGS (Private Institutions). These institutions allow candidates to appeal failed medical tests, but public institutions turn candidates down if HBsAg is reactive and give no room for appeal.