ART and POETRY Corner

This has been on my mind, inspired by poetry slams to write out my healing whilst we search for a cure. I hope this encourages others in this community to share their art and writing as well.


You were not welcome
Yet you moved in
My young defences were no match for you
You made my body your home
Entering as a silent infection
You intruded as a foreigner
You bred and took over my blood cells
You wreak havoc over my immunity
You erode my energy reserves
You scream taunts at my internal organs
dictating my body to shut down slowly
Yet to others around me, I appeared normal
Currently invisible only by a blood test

Whilst my good cells continue to fight you
You called a war in my mind and spirit
You plundered my mindset with doubt
You cannablised my self worth
You took everything under hostage
You became the dark shadow of shame
The invisible barrier and wall that became impenetrable
You dictated my subconscious impacting my decisions and choices

You sat silently as the dark ghost in every room I entered
When others questioned your presence
You manifested as bright as Christmas lights
Anxiety wired my muscle tissue
The flight response kicked in to run
You silenced my voice to scream for help
You made me your victim

The silent aroma you left in the room
Caused people to walk out of my life
No one knew you lived at my address
You went by robbery after robbery
Ruining my relationships
Until one day you were intercepted

I struggled and wrestled you to the ground
I broke away the knife you held to my neck
In a friendzie I stabbed you back
All my anger and rage surfaced
I unmasked your hidden face
Your name was Hepatitis B

Even though you still reside in my veins
Since that day I placed you on house arrest
The more I learnt about you
The more your power diminishes over my mind
You are nothing but a bully

Too many victims in this silent war
The most frail shackled under cancerous cells
fighting for their life
Others have no access to the immunisation bunker
will be tortured in health and wealth
To source ammunition tablets to slow down the force

The only weapon missing is a potent cure
The cure to release the body and mind
Requires bravery on all fronts to fight
For countries, skills and voices to unite
To shine the light so bright
To scream with all their might
To Cure Hepatitis B - no more



An empty runway stands ahead
Control tower to Savannah High Wing
You are now clear for take off.

Pilot “the runsheet is empty. No passengers aboard with a predetermined destination”

The plane is packed with minimal weight
Well here we go then
Ready to take off in any direction
35degrees north west
The course into the unknown
A mystery of self discovery lies ahead

Head in the daydreaming clouds
Where the light reflects a colourful prism
It radiates and shines hope
It whispers multiple doors of the future

Time feels like it’s standing still
Unbuckling the cord of known security
The adrenaline fear of jumping out
Opening the parachute to free fall
Into the mysterious future

Keeping the vulnerability of gliding in the empty space
Letting the jigsaw pieces land into place

Knowing wherever I land, I can navigate the turbulence ahead.
I will return older, wiser with a renewed purpose and perspective.

Control tower to Savannah High wing please take off now.

So here we go… 2023 take off



From the very first date
It was so easy to connect with you
My defensive walls melted in your presence

In vulnerability I showed you my battlescars
Nakedly, raw and emotional
Bracing myself for your response or open rejection

A pause in the silence
I was puzzled

Your response was warm
You reassured me with words and encouragement
You highlight my bravery and courage
You see me
You accepted me
You began to love me as is

You created this atmospheric space
Where I can shed the negative beliefs
And replace it with a new truth
Your love has brought healing
You enrich my life more each day

This new rhythms
This new dance
This future