Cured after three years of taking Tenofovir!

Hello all,

Today I received the best news I have had in a long time! I decided recently to seek out a second opinion regarding my hepatitis B. This other doctor tested for the presence of the hepatitis B surface antigen (I believe the other doctor hadn’t done this for a while) and the test was negative! I was diagnosed with hepatitis B in December 2020 and started antiviral treatment around six months later. I believe it’s relatively rare to lose the surface antigen after a hepatitis B infection becomes chronic (i.e. six months after being infected) but maybe all patients should ask their doctors to test regularly for the surface antigen (HBsAg) just in case they’re one of the lucky ones, like I have been.


Praise God … God bless you … stay healthy and live long

Thank you very much!

Congratulations and indeed those are rare cases

So happy to hear! Congratulations!

Question. How about HBVDNA is it non detected?

I presume if the surface antigen is no longer present then there can be no HBV DNA.

Have u done any specific diet , or workout… what was yours hbsag when u got diagnosis in 2020 , what was was hbv dna ?? what changes u have made in past 4 years… any suggestions ??? Please suggest…!!!


No specific diet. Normal exercise (jogging, gym) but I don’t think that was why I cleared the infection. I don’t know what level the HbsAg was when I was diagnosed. I just know the test was positive. All I did over the past three years was take the medication.

Thanks congratualtion… have a good and healthy life …:blush:

Thanks very much. The doctor is going to post the results of the blood test to me. Until I see them for myself, I can’t quite believe it!

Hi Barry, may I ask how old are you? also how high was your viral load when you started Tenofovir?
Thanks you

I’m 42. My viral load was extremely high when I started taking Tenofovir. I don’t remember the exact figure but it was very high, even though I had no symptoms.

I’m about to start my Tenofovir journey next year. May I ask if you had chronic hep b?

Yes, it was chronic. When I was diagnosed in December 2020, the infection was new (as far as I know), but after six months it was considered chronic so the doctor prescribed me Tenofovir.

What was your HbeAG and HbeAB status when u got diagnosis in 2020…?? Can u please share…!!

Sorry, what do those abbreviations mean?

E antigen status…
Like hbeag status - reactive or non reactive
Hbeab status - reactive or non reactive

I tested positive in December 2020 for the hepatitis b surface antigen and for the hepatitis B core antibodies.

And how high was your HBsAg before you started the treatment?