Dating website for hepb people

Hi all,

Anyone knows if there is a dating website for hepb people ? Not so sure if non-hepb people would like to date hepb people, I know there could be medical risks and most people do not want to deal with this.



Not that I know of, but it has definitely been raised with me that people are looking for one.


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Not to be negative, but I couldn’t see a reason for it. I could see 2 hepatitis b carriers dating, but don’t see anyone without hepatitis trying to exclusively looking for someone with hepatitis b.

If anything, date as normal and tell them about your status if it gets serious.


I mean, theoretically it shouldn’t be necessary, but there are also a few people on this forum who have experienced traumatic relationship experiences to do with their Hep B status. If you know you don’t have to explain your status to someone, that’s a big conversation (and potential relationship-ender) off the table.

In the end, if it helps people with Hep B form relationships easier and be less alone, I would have a hard time arguing against it.



If have heard from a girl that she got rejected by her boyfriend after she told him about hepb status. I suppose if both have hepb they would accept eachother.

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Having such dating site sounds a good idea as many HBV carriers worry about acceptance in a relationship. But I guess it’s really unpractical as the sensitive information of the users could be exposed. Just imagine someone creating an account just for learning who has HBV and then telling everyone.


Right also, women would have less concerns. It’s the men who would have a harder time.

More men would date women with hepatitis b than women would date men with hepatitis b.

When I did not know I had hepb, not even my mom knew she had it, I wouldnt date a hebp woman, I rather date some one who didnt have it, irony of fate, I have hepb.

/But I guess it’s really unpractical as the sensitive information of the users could be exposed. Just imagine someone creating an account just for learning who has HBV and then telling everyone./
Yes, how to solve this right ?

My kids do not have hepatitis b. I have it. I would not and do not want my kids to date anyone with hepatitis b. It’s worry some that majority of the hep b carriers in the US are Asians and my kids might date other Asians kids who might or might not be chronic hep b. My kids are vaccinated but still you never know.

If they are vaccinated, they cannot get infected I assume ? When the relationship get serious usually the status will be revealed, so nothing to worry about ?

I don’t know but if teenagers are exposed, even when vaccinated, I do not know.

Just to chime in here, as long as you’re vaccinated and your antibody levels are above the threshold of 10mIU/mL, the risk is very very low that people will end up with a chronic infection. There are many here in relationships (my own included), where one partner is positive and the other negative (but vaccinated) and have not seen any transmission despite decades together. That even includes couples who have had kids.



My mom has hepb, my father don’t, father got lucky, his natural immunity protected him, he didnt even know mom had hepb.

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Hepb1, did you manage to find it? I am totaly lost here as well. No idea how to find life partner. Tinder with the note that I have HepB? Or how do you all manage this problem?

Hey, Thomas,
I know the site is to share information and have a support group for our condition. Is it (somehow) possible to make a forum for those of us who may be interested in meeting with potential partners on this site? I think it’ll be pretty cool as most of us already are aware of the condition and it’ll help ease having to have “the talk”? Please let me know. Thanks in advance.


Dear @Poseidon,

I can make a specific subforum for this, but I am a bit torn. First and foremost, needs to be a place where people feel comfortable sharing their stories. I understand the desires to have a space where you would not have to have such a hard time disclosing your status (particularly as someone who has had to go through The Talk a few times), but I also realise that meeting/dating platforms can be unsafe places (particularly for women) if not carefully managed. There a lot of issues to consider before initiating something like this and currently it’s only me doing the majority of the administation and moderating.

I am definitely taking your and the others’ suggestions on board, but it may have to wait until we are better staffed/funded to be able to do this properly.

Thanks for understanding,


Dear @ThomasTu

 Thank you for responding back to the post. I completely understand. It’ll be much appreciated. Thank you.

Hi just to add my two cents on the topic hepatitis b can be easily prevented with a vaccine there is a reason why people still get infected with the virus every year because of stigma, if you meet someone and they like you for who you are hepatitis b wount stop them from dating you just get them vaccinated and leave happy after me myself I will never put some in a dangerous situation because I know how hepatitis impact my life used protection or let them know about your status’s am 27 years of ages most of my age group when I ask them about hepatitis b they were vaccinated as a kid they don’t even care about hepatitis b because they are fully protected from it.


Great points, @Edward.

I want to comment that some people may not have the information to know some of these points. It’s important that people are guided to (and understand) accurate and accessible information to make proper decisions. This is not always available and people may react with their misconceptions or their fears instead.

I just mention this so that people out there know that not every decision is made rationally and fully-informed.


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