EXPLAINER: Lab results and their interpretation

@availant I think this is a subject that needs more discussion in the group. And thank you for sharing

Hello @ethan
What is your age?
I’m not a medical expert, but those symptoms you described could be anything.
I have lines like that, and I think they’re from old age, ageing.
Are you in contact with the doctor?
Blessings, Caroline.

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Hi hep B community I was diagnosed with hepatitis B on 7 July 2023 and the doctor said they can put me on treatment unless it’s they see the viral load results which I did on 9 July and the viral load was 825.0 IU/ml. Can this be acute or chronic and can I transmit the virus saliva or anybody fluid

Hello @Stephen1520
I cannot tell you about your results. Someone will help you soon with those results.

Dear @Stephen,

It is not possible from these results to know if you are acute or chronic. A test that may be able to tell you if you recently acquired it is the “anti-HBc IgM” test. If it is positive, then you have been exposed in the last few months, if not then it is longer. Other than that, the way to tell is getting tested again in 6 months time.

HBV in not transmissible by saliva. It is transmitted by blood-to-blood contact and unprotected sexual contact. Your viral load is relatively low, so the chance of transmission is also relatively low.

Hope this helps,

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Thank you for your quick response I appreciate a lot.

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Thank so much have understood sir

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Weakness, vomiting sensation, white tongue (sabural), pharyngeal candida fungal culture test negative result, pharyngeal exudate bacteriological test negative result, what could it be? Is it related to hepatitis B? 6 months ago there were 57.3% neutrophils . Low neutrophil 40.5 %

6 months ago the viremia was 11. I am not on antiviral treatment.

What can be done ?


I’m not a clinical doctor, so cannot provide any medical advice regarding what it could be. I think it is best that you talk to your health professional about this. Regarding whether it is due to the HBV or not, it’s not clear with these results. Have you had a liver function test?


Hello and good evening everyone, especially to all the experts @availlant @ThomasTu @john.tavis , I would like to share with you the result of my lab tests of my 6 months follow up check up. Ive been quite for a while, but Im always reading all your post here. I got devastated of the sudden drop of my weight. My first lab tests was in december 2022, I was 6 months pregnant during that time, 1 to 2 months my weight drop so badly because of stress, I was broken emotionally and mentally overthinking my condition at the same time my sister died because of decompensated cirrhosis last november. My normal weight is 46 klos and it drops to 38 klos after I gave birth, up to this time I was not able to gain back my weight. I deprived my self from eating because of so many food restriction that can be bad of the liver. Im tired and stress attending my newborn, could not have enought time to sleep, plus I really wanted to take vitamins So I coud regain my strength, but Im scared ,any vitamin could harm my liver. Last april I can feel a little sore at my rib side, but now its slowly disappear, just a little like a ant bite I can feel. I was thinking maybe it’s because of my stress, or maybe because of tiredness, like I was carrying my infant most of the time even Im not fully healed yet of my ceasarian section and ligation., maybe this cause the little soring i felt in my rib side…Were my thoughts are right?

DECEMBER 2022 LAB TEST RESULT( without antivirals medication)

JULY 2023 LAB TESTS RESULT (without antiviral medications(

Can you give your interpretation sir @availlant @ThomasTu @john.tavis . Your thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Dear @iamjen,

The labs relate to a clinical interpretation question that I am not qualified to answer as I am a PhD scientist, not a physician. Your care provider is best to help you interpret this information.

Stress associated with the birth of a child is very normal. I’ve got 2 boys (both grown and in grad school), but I clearly remember the stress, sleeplessness, and uncertainty associated with their infancy. I was not sure that I could be a good Dad, I was not used to small children, and I knew nothing about caring for them. So please rest assured that what you are going through is normal, especially given that the stress of having a newborn is amplified by your HBV diagnosis. Talking about it with your partner, loved ones, and caregivers might help. Also, it might help to get help so you have a bit of time for yourself–perhaps a family member could assist for a few days to help you get back on your feet? As to diet–eating a well-balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables in it, and avoiding anything that makes you nauseous and alcohol is a good rule of thumb. There is a lot of confusing disinformation out there about diet, so discussing this with your caregiver or a dietician will give you useful information to work with.

I wish you and your family the very best.



Dear @iamjen,

I’m sorry to hear about your stressful experiences and thank you for sharing them here with us. Yes, diet can be an issue, but all reputable sources back up @john.tavis’s comments. Hep B foundation has some great resources:

Most foods are not going to suddenly make your liver worse, and it is important to keep your energy up so that your body is able to stay healthy. If you need guidance for your particular needs, it’d be best to talk to a certified dietitian or your health care provider.

Hope this helps,


Many thanks sir @john.tavis and @ThomasTu . What are your thoughts about the lab test result I have shared sir?..Do I still have a good set of lab test result sir same with my result last december 2022?. My HBV DNA last decemebr was undetected without antivirals, and my current HBV DNA is 156 IU/ml. And can you give your words about the impression of my ultrasound sir, shoud I worry about this sir?. Thnak you

Best regards,

Hi @iamjen,

I am really not qualified to answer your medical questions. I did scan the test values, and the only thing that stuck out to me as possibly problematic was a high AFP level. However, AFP is a poor diagnostic marker as it has a fairly high false positive rate. Your ultrasounds appeared normal from what I can tell.

However, I need to emphasize again that I am NOT qualified to interpret these results. My comments are just my personal impressions. A discussion with your physician will provide the answers you seek.


Hi @iamjen,

I’m echoing @john.tavis’ statements of being a scientist and not a clinical doctor. The increase of HBV DNA is relatively small and can occur during the “inactive carrier” phase, which is generally regarded as a stable phase and associated with good clinical outcomes. Your ultrasound does not show anything that is indicative of major liver disease.

@john.tavis raised the issue of increased AFP, but this is expected while you are pregnant. Indeed it went back down to normal in your most recent tests.

Hope this helps,

Thanks Thomas. I’d forgotten about AFP rises during pregnancy (of course they do!!).


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Hi all.

In March my HbsAg quintative was 803.80 IU/ml
Today on 8th of August is 1250.37 IU/ml.

I have been taking viread.
I don’t understand why it has reised so much?

Dear @Aleksi12,

This is not a very large increase, as HBsAg levels can vary from 0 to >10 000. This amount of variation is normal in a stable condition. To have a better idea of whether this is a true increase, you would need to sample more times over a longer period of time.

Hope this helps,

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What can be said about these results, difference between them of 24 months, Aghbe / anti-hbe? Please leave a comment. ! The analysis from 12.08.2021 is the first done when I found out that I have hepatitis B

Hello @ThomasTu and all
Can you please have a look at my reports from last week and the very first of my diagnosis before starting the treatment. They are in German as I live in Switzerland but all the acronyms are the same. I still to get more on my latest report by tomorrow but this is what I have for now from the latest report and prior ones are complete.

The first two are latest and last three are the ones from APRIL (prior treatment)
My hemogram is scarring me and also I why my platelets went down since last time also my aPTT is not in order and couple of other REDS I can see. Please can some interpret these for me.
Dates and times are mentioned on every report.
