Functional cure queries

Good day community,

I just need help with results interpretation.

My recent results shows HBe Ag - negative
HBV viral load - undetected
ALT - 44 came down from 51.

I have been on medication for about 7 months.
What are the chances of achieving functional cure ?
What other tests are required to determine functional cure?

Hello @Collen

Your results are good.

Keep up the great work.

Someone will give you more details soon.

@Bansah1 @ThomasTu

Dear @Collen,

@Caraline is correct–your labs are great! They indicate you have either cleared HBV or more likely have an extremely low level of infection that is being controlled by the drugs exceptionally well. That indicates that disease progression will likely be very slow or absent.

The information you provided is not sufficient to determine if you have a functional cure. That is defined basically as being HBV DNA and HBsAg undetectable 6 months after stopping taking your drugs for HBV. You’ve only been on the anti-HBV drugs (presumably tenofovir or entecavir) for a short time, so clearance of HBV is unlikely at this point. However, this is great news for your heath–the ALT levels are low, indicting that HBV is causing little to no damage to your liver now.

As @Caraline commented, keep up the good work! It is really important to take the HBV drugs the way your doctor prescribed. They work best that way. You have the virus beat down, so don’t let it get back up by forgetting to take the drug!


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Thank you, Caraline,
Much appreciated!!

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Thank you very much John.
I will keep taking the medication and monitoring the condition.