Hbv dna undetectable after using meds


Just to be sure,so it seems some achieve hbv dna undetectable after meds and some don’t ?
What is the reason ? Mutated hbv ? Each person immune system is different ?


Even for me after 6 months on medication hbv dna went undetected.

Look at your Hbsag quantitative and liver stiffness Kpa

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Much of it depends on how high your viral load is before starting treatment.

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Dear @hepb1.

This is a really good question. First off, all drugs have an intrinsic limit to their effectiveness. So if a drug blocks viral replication by 10^5 fold, but the virus is present at 10^7, then the person would still have about 10^2 (ie, 100) IU/ml of DNA. Second, you are correct, the immune system is most definitely involved in helping to determine the steady-state level of HBV, so a more effective response would lower viral DNA levels and make it easier for the drug to work. Finally, and likely having the least impact, is viral genetic variation. The different HBV genotypes can respond to the nucleos(t)ide analogs slightly differently, so that can contribute. Drug resistance or partial resistance is unlikely to Entecavir or Tenofovir because that is very rare, but it could be playing a part.

I hope this helps,
