HBV TWiV Podcast

Hi HepBcommunity Members,

I was fortunate enough to be interviewed together with my colleague Dr. Mala Main for the podcast This Week in Virology (TWiV) live at the 2024 International HBV Meeting in Chicago, USA. In it, we discuss HBV biology and the state of the field, with the target audience being other virologists and the general public who have a basic understanding of viruses.

It was a lot of fun to discuss the work of the outstanding scientists in the HBV field, although it was a bit daunting to do so while many of them were sitting in the audience watching us! I had to ask HepBcommunity founder and prominent HBV researcher Dr. Thomas Tu a clarifying question while I was onstage!

I’m excited about how the better understanding of HBV that is arising from the efforts of the HBV research community is being used by academic and industry scientists world-wide to improve treatments for the >250 million people who are chronically infected with HBV.

[TT edit] A recording of the episode is embedded below


Hi All,

I may be able to figure out HBV replication, but I apparently cannot copy a web link properly! The real link to the TWiV podcast is at:

Sorry for the mistake!



Well done, @john.tavis

I’ve embedded the video of the discussion in the OP for anyone who wants to watch. You and Mala did a great job!



And I also misspelled Mala’s name! She is Dr. Mala Maini, not Main! I really am a terrible proof-reader.


An intuitive podcast. Thanks

Well done John! looking forward to watching this :slight_smile:


Hello everyone,

TWiV, a (highly recommended) virology podcast show on MicrobeTV, released a podcast reflecting on virology in 2024. They mentioned the International HBV meeting in Chicago, USA.

Listen to the TWiV 1183: More than 2024 viruses episode and you’ll even hear a few familiar names in the Hep B research world like @ThomasTu, @john.tavis, @chari.cohen, @mat, and @aploss.

Apple podcast: More than 2024 viruses - This Week in Virology - Apple Podcasts

Happy listening.

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