Hepatitis B positive

Please my wife was diagnosed for hepatitis, she started her treatment immediately but now the she did another test and the test was showing a thick line for blood at the top and a fading line at the bottom, doesn’t it mean she’s getting cured already.

Thanks for your response(s).

Welcome to the forum TechJosh,

The test result you are describing does not make any sense. If your wife has started therapy for HBV, can you tell us her medicine is? We are looking for the following test results to help you: HBV DNA and ALT.

Best regards,

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Hi Tecjosh.
Welcome to the forum. It’s my prayer that you get the help you need for your wife.
I don’t think the test you are describing exist for hep b. Further, i would recommend that you work with your health provider to understand what he is doing and why. Since health is a confidential matter, please encourage your wife to be proactive in the treatment journey so that she can own it. Direct her to this forum so that she can get first hand information that concerns her.
Otherwise, thank you for making the right thing to talk to us and wish you all the best.