Impacts of muringa and neem plants on chbv

Hello everyone

Experts Kindly help me unravel the true impacts of these two plants on HBV. I once read their benefits from doctor google.

Dear @vera,

There’s no good evidence that these plants will improve your HBV infection. The best I could see were some cell culture models reducing some markers of infection. However, there’s no guarantee that your liver cells will be exposed to the levels of chemicals in the plants that are needed to do that function. I have talked about this for other supplements/herbs (Lifestyle changes, nutrition, and supplements for hep b - #15 by NeptuneJ and Acorbine as a supplement?)

Hope this helps,

Hello Everyone, have been on Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for 2 years now. Lately have been having sharp pain on my right side of the ribs please explain to me what could be the cause

Hi @Vera,

There are many potential causes of this pain (many of them nothing to do with HBV) and it is almost impossible to diagnose you over the internet. It is best to go to see your doctor about this.

There is additional conversation about this in other threads:

Hope this helps,

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