UPDATE: NAME CHANGE TO HepBCommunity COMPLETE! It didn’t actually take that long to do, thanks to wonderful support at communiteq (who host the Discourse forum software). If anyone has any problems related to the changeover, please Email or message me in the forum.
Dear all,
Hope you are well and thanks to all of you pushing this community forward.
I want to give you a heads-up on an exciting update: in the next few weeks, HepBConnect will be soon changing its name to HepBCommunity.
Why change the name?
We have just realised that there are programs out there that are named similar things. We also wanted to provide a greater sense of what we see this forum as: not just something to come for links to information, but also building relationships, stopping in to say hi, and discussions about everyday life. We think that the new name represents all of this.
What will change?
We’ll update our logo and URL to reflect the name change.
Any emails you get will be from info@hepbcommunity.org
What do I have to do?
Not much, we’ll take care of most of it. Just update your bookmarks to hepbcommunity.org (though we’ll make sure that hepbconnect.com will still forward you there for a while yet).
Also, white-list info@hepbcommunity.org and admin@hepbconnect.com, so you’ll continue to get important updates about the forum
What else is the forum planning to do?
After the name change, we’ll be amping up our awareness campaign to make sure more people know about this community. This will include social media, working with advocacy groups, and pamphlets.
We’ll also be running a logo competition. At the moment, we’re using something I made up in powerpoint, but what I really wanted to see is a logo designed by the community for the community.
We’ll also take on the suggestions that have been made (including a live Q&A session and more explainers) and introduce them when we can. Please let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to see from us.
Thanks again everyone!