Just sharing my lab results

Hi guys. Well, I just want to share my lab resuts and see through your own experience if it can be a good thing or not. So let’s go: Total Anti Hbc = positive; HbeAg = negative; Anti HbeAg = positive; HbsAg = positive in 6758 IU/ml; Anti Hbs = negative in 2 IU/ml.

About 3 months later these are the new lab results: Total Anti Hbc = positive; HbeAg = negative; Anti HbeAg = positive; HbsAg = positive in 6946 IU/ml; Anti Hbs = negative in 4,51 IU/ml.

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Hi @ImHopefull,

Looks like nothing much has changed and that you’re in a fairly stable state.


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Hi can someone please help me interrupt what my labs mean?

Dear @Tulipe72001,

Your results don’t match any textbook “phase” of chronic HBV infection as both HBeAg and anti-HBe antibodies are positive. This likely means that you are in a state of flux and perhaps in the middle of mounting an immune response against the virus. The low/undetectable HBV DNA levels are generally a positive sign and correlate with good health outcomes.

Hope this helps,

Thanks Thomas for your response. I was confused as to why I am also positive for both the antibodies and the antigen.

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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: My HBsAg becomes negative after Chronic Hep B for 17 Years

Can someone tell me what my lab results mean? I think I know what it means but I need a second thought and still waiting to hear back from my MD. Thank you Jackie

Hi @Tulipe72001,

This is the expected result after your previous one. It looks like your immune system has successfully suppressed the virus to the extent that you have raised some antibodies against it (HBeAg). Despite this, you still have the infection, but you are in a more stable state that is associated with much less disease progression.

Hope this helps,

Thanks Thomas. I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my questions! I guess I found out that I need my provider to test the surface antigen and antibodies to determine if my body still has the infection.

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Yes, this sounds like a reasonable approach. Good luck with this and keep us updated on your situation!
