LFT results kindly interpret

Kindly interpret

Hi @Fred,
Your labs show normal test results. Most results are within the normal reference range except for the last 2; but that should not be a concern as they are only slightly high. Keep up with whatever you are doing. Best, Bansah1

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Thanks Bansah, my Ultrasound results are also normal except excess stomach gas which has been causing me stomach bloating, I don’t know the best way to deal with this gas, antacids seems not to be working.

That wonderful to hear. We will take all the positive news we can get. Check what you eat. There are many people who are lactose intolerant but are not aware. I was one of those people. I don’t drink regular milk, limit my egg consumption, no ice cream, no cheese for me etc as they increase my bloating. You can do a test, keep an eye on what you eat and assess whether a product or two makes it worse. If so eliminate those products one at a time seeing whether your bloating is better or worse. Through this process you will identify the foods that make it worse so you can consume those sparingly. I hope this helps. Best, Bansah1