My HBsAg becomes negative after Chronic Hep B for 17 Years

Hi Everyone, I would like to share my story as an encouragement to all of you living with hep b out there.
Long story short, I was diagnosed with Hep B back in 2007 and was not on treatment.
In 2011 I was put on treatment because of drinking and neglected my condition.
My treatment was from 2011-2014, when treatment stopped because I have to switch to new GI due to insurance issue.
From 2014 to present, I’m not on any treatment but continue monitor and did regular F/U with specialist every 6 months.

Then, at my most recent test, I received unexpected good news that I might potential cure from hep B.

Now, I’m both excited but anxious at the same time because it’s hopeful but I have to do repeat tests at 3, then 6 months to be certain.
May I ask if it turns out that I’m cured of chronic hep B, what kind of cure is it based on my lab results?
Everyone feel free to share your opinions /story. Thank you.


Thank you sharing this information. For clarification do you start treatment with anti viral with HBV DNA value of about 250?
I have about 2500 and doctor is saying my numbers are too low to start treatment.

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This type of Post is very important and reassuring kindly share with us your diet and life style any supplements used we need more of such testimony to keep hope alive what is your current DNA


Congratulations, can u also share ur daily life/and foods u eat.


it’s not too low, change doctor

congratulations :slight_smile: keep us updated


Hi, I started treatment back in 2011 when my viral was way over 2000 . The numbers in this graph are just a few years back and long after my treatment was stopped in 2014.

Hi, My current DNA is not detected.
I have a very average lifestyle. I stopped drinking since 2011, never smoke, exercise moderately, swimming. Basically, just the average things people do in their lives. I’m working fulltime.
As for diet, I rarely ate fast-food, home cooked meals, I ate a lot of veggies, different varieties, I drank smoothies often.


Thank you. I have a very average lifestyle. I stopped drinking since 2011, never smoke, exercise moderately, swimming. Basically, just the average things people do in their lives. I’m working fulltime.
As for diet, I rarely ate fast-food, home cooked meals, I ate a lot of veggies, different varieties, I drank smoothies often.

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This makes me so happy!
@ThomasTu , what are your thoughts?

Hi @Jason2024

Thanks for sharing your journey. It’s always great to hear good news in the forum.

Also, it’s nice to see you have taken on a healthy lifestyle. Just extend from @Sent-d Do you take or have taken any supplements (e.g. vitamins or probiotics)?


I can see we are all excited by @Jason2024 results.
Thank you Jason for sharing your lab results with us.

Can any of the @ScienceExperts or @HealthExperts help Jason with his question?

Hi all,
I’m a bit confuse about my updated lab result. Basically, I was diagnosed with chronic hep B back in 2007, and my most recent lab showed that I was negative for HBsAG, but today it’s updated with the value as <0.05 UI/mL.
Anyone knows what this mean? is my HBsAG still consider Negative?

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U are lucky 1% that get cured with meds.


Hi Sumaya, I did not take any supplements or anything. In fact I was very fearful to take any meds. However, when I asked during a visit, my doctor said it was ok for me to take Tylenol if I get a cold.


My ALT level is:
July, 2024 ALT = 18
Jan, 2024 ALT = 18
July, 2023 = 27
Feb, 2023 = 20

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Hi @jason2024,

As mentioned in the other thread, these results indicate you have cleared HBV infection naturally. Given this isn’t driven by a particular therapeutic treatment, the “type of cure” doesn’t really relate to this situation (it’s really just used to talk about what kind of effect we want to induce when we talk about new drugs).

Hope this makes sense,

Hi all,
I was trying to post a topic earlier but was unsuccessful. But I think this post is relevant.
I would like to share my lab result too.
Let’s me share my story short, I was diagnosed in 2007, and I was not on treatment until 2011. From 2011-2014, I was on treatment. Treatment was stopped per doctor in 2014.
Here is my latest test result, July 2024

My current doctor said I might be cured from Hep B, but I still have to do tests a 3,and then 6 months to confirm.
I’m hoping the result stay the same and I can be cured from this disease.
I’m wishing the best to everyone out there living with hep B and I hope my result will give everyone more hope.

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Congratulations on your results @Jason2024! Yes, these results are very promising for you and indicate a clearance of a HBV infection. Wishing you all the best in your confirmatory results in the upcoming months!


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Dr. ThomasTu, I have a not so relevant question. Let’s say if my result is confirm and I’m cured of Hep B, do you think I could do a little drink now and then, like a few beers, without fear that the hep b will reactivate?
Thank you,

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