My result from my lab testing

Can someone explain this to me from my result? I just need a second opinion.

The result of an “abnormal” Hep Be Ab (or call anti-HBe, i.e. antibody against HBV e antigen) simply indicates that you have had an HBV infection, either current or resolved. This indicates that your HBV infection has transitioned to a lower viral replicating phase (but this doesn’t mean less severe). You need a more comprehensive test that includes at least HBsAg, Anti-HBs, and HBV DNA, as well as regular blood tests and liver function, urine test, renal function test, and perhaps metabolic profile test.

Hi I posted my Hep Be ag. It is showing as negative. It is with the antibodies.

Hi, I am not sure what second opinion that you require. Whether a person has HBV or not depends on the status of HBsAg, the Hep Bs surface antigen. Hep Be Ag is a marker, this protein and its antibody, Hep Be Ab, are a bit of mystery to me. Hep Be Ag is not a structural protein required for the formation of the Hep virus. It is different to the Hep Core Ag. At the moment, there are two types of chronic Hep infection: 1) Hep Be Ag positive hepatitis; 2) Hep Be Ag negative hepatitis. Both require treatments.
For Hep B patients, I believe status of Hep Surface Ag and viral load of hbvdna are most important. The status of Hep Be Ag and Hep Be Ab will mean something for an experience Hepatitis B specialist.
Just my opinion.