Nausea after tenofovir

Hi guys!
I’m new hear.I’m 37-years women and I know about my hepatitis b sinece my early-twenties.Everything was ok till this year-my fibrosca went from F0/F1 to F2/F3 and my vireal load to 8700 IU/ml
I’ve started my anti-viral treatment 3 days ago with Tenofovir.I feel intensive nausea.What can I do to reduce this side effect?

Hi @Lola87, I’ve been on Tenofovir for a couple of months now. I also experienced slight nausea at first (which tbh at the time I put it down to my anxiety around starting treatment). I found fizzy drinks (health-ish options…), lemon or very cold water helped me through the first days, and after a week or so it did go away completely :slight_smile: I hope it resolves for you too!



Hi Lola87,
I never had nausea from Tenofovir. My side effect was itching.
So many dietary changes, could there be another reason for the nausea? Anxiety, perhaps? We all know there’s no shortage of this, especially in the first year…
Hope you get to the bottom of it and find a way to settle your tummy.
Welcome to the site…hope you find comfort in knowing we’re all going through this together. Lots of emotional support and valuable info from medical and scientific people on here


Are you eating before you take the medication? I take my Vemlidy with food and I haven’t had any nausea or stomach issues. I take it right after breakfast.


Hi @Lola87,

Sorry to hear about this, I had experienced some of this too and essentially solved with according to @MartaParnall’s practice of experimenting around when I take them around food. I also take it right after breakfast now and have had little issue since. It does get a little messed up when I travel overseas for work, but it works out in the end.



Thank all of us for support and answers! Today i feel much better and nausea has dissapear. I didin’t change my diet.I think that it was a short-therm side effect of tenofovir.
I take it with my breakfast.I feel better that i’m not alone with my disease.I wish all of you much health!