I have been recently diagnosed with CHB and my initial viral load is very high. I am currently on medication with TDF, can you please let me know how long does it usually take for HBeAg to become negative after treatment? And is it a good sign, that I am responding to treatment well ?
Thank you
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Dear Vekota,
As I told you in the other post, our doctors and experts here on the forum will inform you better. no matter how difficult it is, I know it very well, try to calm down and take it step by step, we all have a lot to learn and ask, but fear and anxiety only do us harm in the end.
From what I understand, it takes years of treatment and very low DNA to become HBeAg negative if I understand correctly…
Great news! I pray for more good news for you. We will never give up!
Cheers always!
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Dear Vekota,
HBeAg can take many years to become negative, but the marker for the medication working is that your HBV DNA level becomes low/undetectable.
Hope this helps,
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