Plans for future improvements

Please use this thread to let us know how we can improve our forum. We have some ideas already:

  • In-built post translation: basically you could click a small button on each post and have it translated straight away. This feature does cost money, so I will hold off from including this until we have secured more funding. But I am happy to include this, particularly since HBV affects so many people who do not speak English. In the meantime, please use any free translation services that are out there (e.g. Google translate)

  • Logo and banner: This forum does look a bit plain at the moment. We are in the process of developing a logo and banner to improve this. If we get some funding, we may hire a graphics designer for this. We also are accepting community input for this.

Please let us know what you are looking for in this community!


Multicultural Health can also share some translated resources we have been involved in the development of if this is helpful to people?

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That would be really useful, Desiree. Thanks!

Here are links to some resources

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