Resultados a los 20 meses de tratamiento

Hola a todos!
Mi nombre es Luis y os escribo desde España.
Supe de mi Hepatitis B en febrero del año 2019.
En algún momento del año anterior(2018) me infecté, lo sé porqué he sido donante de sangre muchos años y la última donación fue en diciembre del 2017, dando negativo para HVB.
Nunca tuve ningún síntoma, quizás algo cansado pero lo atribuía al trabajo.
En 2019 me hice unos análisis de rutina, tengo 48 años y siempre he tenido fluctuaciones en mi colesterol.
Mi sorpresa fue cuando la doctora me dijo que tenía todo correcto menos las transaminasas.
Hablando con la doctora para saber de donde podía venir ese aumento de la función hepática, decidió hacerme las pruebas del HVB, HVC, HIV.
Evidentemente di positivo para HVB y negativo para el resto.
Fue un golpe duro, me costó asimilarlo pero hay que vivir y seguir para delante.
Los resultados de mi primera analítica fue la siguiente:

Hbsag 280.000 positivo
Hbsab <3 negativo
Hbcab >8 positivo
Hbeag positivo
Hbeab negativo
ADN HVB 347.000.000
GPT 264 UI/L
GOT 115 UI/L
Plaquetas 145.000

Mi hepatólogo al ver estos resultados decidió que tenía que empezar el tratamiento con TDF.
En España el tratamiento es gratuito, así que cada tres meses tengo que ir al servicio de Farmacia de mi hospital a recoger las pastillas.
Referente a la dieta no he hecho ninguna modificación, más que nada porque al vivir en España mi dieta siempre ha sido mediterránea, muchas verduras, legumbres, pescado, carne blanca y fruta.

Después de 20 meses de tratamiento conTDF mis resultados son los siguientes:

Hbsag 1381 positivo
Hbsab <2 negativo
Hbcab >8 positivo
Hbeag negativo
Hbeab positivo
ADN HVB no se detecta
Plaquetas 191.000

Durante estos meses de tratamiento con TDF el único efecto que he podido notar ha sido y aún continúa un poco de cansancio pero nada que no se pueda sobrellevar.
Respecto a la Urea y creatinina siempre en valores normales.
Reciban un fuerte abrazo y esperemos que llegue pronto una cura.

I translate the message into English, sorry for My English.
I hope you understand me.

Hi all!
My name is Luis and I am writing to you from Spain.
I found out about my Hepatitis B in February 2019.
At some point in the previous year (2018) I got infected, I know because I have been a blood donor for many years and the last donation was in December 2017, testing negative for HVB.
I never had any symptoms, maybe a little tired but I attributed it to work.
In 2019 I had some routine tests done, I am 48 years old and I have always had fluctuations in my cholesterol.
My surprise was when the doctor told me that everything was correct except the transaminases.
Talking with the doctor to find out where this increase in liver function could come from, she decided to do the tests for HVB, HVC, HIV.
Obviously I tested positive for HVB and negative for the rest.
It was a hard blow, it was difficult for me to assimilate it but you have to live and move forward.
The results of my first analysis were the following:

Hbsag 280,000 positive
Hbsab <3 negative
Hbcab> 8 positive
Positive hbeag
Hbeab negative
HVB DNA 347,000,000
GPT 264 IU / L
GOT 115 IU / L
GGT 51 IU / L
Platelets 145,000

My hepatologist upon seeing these results decided that I had to start TDF treatment.
In Spain the treatment is free, so every three months I have to go to the pharmacy service of my hospital to pick up the pills.
Regarding the diet, I have not made any changes, mainly because living in Spain my diet has always been Mediterranean, many vegetables, legumes, fish, white meat and fruit.

After 20 months of treatment with TDF my results are as follows:

Hbsag 1381 positive
Hbsab <2 negative
Hbcab> 8 positive
Hbeag negative
Positive hbeab
HVB DNA is not detected
GPT 19 IU / L
GOT 16 IU / L
GGT 16 IU / L
Platelets 191,000

During these months of treatment with TDF the only effect that he has been able to notice has been and still continues to be a little tired but nothing that cannot be overcome.
Regarding urea and creatinine always in normal values.
Receive a big hug and hopefully a cure will come soon.


Dear @Luis,

Thanks for sharing your story (and translating it to English!), much appreciated. It’s great that you found out about your Hep B before anything major had occurred and it’s fantastic that the medication is so easy for you to get. It looks like they are working well because your levels are undetectable, which is linked to better health outcomes.

Please know that we scientists are all working hard for a cure. I hope you stay safe and everything keeps going well.

Yours sincerely,


This type of medicine, whether for hepatitis B or C, is completely free in Spain, as in Europe.
Healthcare in Spain and Europe is universal and free for all citizens.

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Yes, it is the same here in Australia and I think this sort of initiative has saved thousands of lives. Health care was free and medicine was very cheap for me (I think it was 10 euro or so for 2 months of Tenofovir) when I was working in Germany for 3 years, even though I was not a citizen. I am truly thankful for these policies.

You guys are lucky to get treatments for free. Is TAF free also? TDF Here in the USA is not bad without insurance is $32 US. But TAF is $1200u.s

TAF is not free because it is still patented, it is only prescribed for free to women who are pregnant.

TAF is not subsidized here in Australia either.

Wow! That’s really scary at that price. Is TAF the newer one that does not cause bone and kidney damage?

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Hey Johnny,

Yes, TAF (Vemlidy) is the newest antiviral that is still in that ‘whatever’ stage where it costs more. Although, if your insurance will cover it, then it doesn’t cost the patient as much. I have mentioned previously, that I could see the amount that insurance was charged and it would range month to month but average was around $1100-$1200 per month.


Hi Paully,

I just googled it again and $1200 for month supply. Even if insurance covers 50-75%, it’s still $300-600 a month for pills that will be years or lifetime medication. I m guessing depending on your income, you can get the financial help from the vemlidy company, but I m sure if you have a somewhat average pay or above, you probably won’t qualify. I don’t know. I m just guessing.

On the web, found that the generic version won’t be out on the market until 2032. I read tdf came out 2001 and taf came out 2016, so I guess it makes sense. Just it’s worry some that for hepatitis b patients, having money or not can ultimately determine your health.

Hey Johnny,

I remember reading @Joan_block and someone else explaining about a prescription discount card for Vemlidy. I don’t know if it was from the manufacturer directly or some other program but if I remember correctly, it greatly reduced the cost. Hopefully Joan or anyone else that knows about this can post a reminder and how to attain it.

But agreed, it’s more than disappointing that Vemlidy is so expensive when it is newer and safer and needed by so many patients.


Hi all, the Vemlidy “co-pay coupon program” is offered by Gilead, the manufacturer of the drug. My prescription plan through my husband’s health insurance told me about it and actually signed me up! But I also have an actual card with the following toll-free number. It may only be for the U.S., in which case check the website as well for information:


Let us know if anyone is able to access this so others can benefit as well!! Always, Joan