Should I take PrEP?


When I was talking to my doctor after diagnosis they asked me if I wanted to go on PrEP as it can prevent HIV as I’m in a high risk group( homosexual and bisexual men).

But they also said that there’s a risk of reactivation if I decided to stop it and also that it could potentially be bad for the kidneys

Does anyone have experience with taking PrEP while having hep B

My viral load is 1300 iu/ml


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Hi @Kenneth_Barnsley,

PrEP is used widely in people with and without chronic conditions (HIV or HBV). It has a great safety record and is recommended by the WHO as treatment for HBV if monotreatment is not available.

As mentioned in other threads, the kidney health reduction is generally never symptomatic (it’s mostly picked up through changes in your kidney health markers in blood tests) and can be managed if it happens (either switching to another drug or altering the dosing regimen)

Hope this helps,

Thank you very much for the answer.

Just one last question if you have time for it, if I start prep and stop it down the line would I have to switch to another antiviral if could that cause reactivation?

Thanks again

Yes, you should maintain anti-HBV antivirals until your HBsAg is negative for at least a few months. If you do not, there is a strong chance that the infection will reactivate.
