Strength Training

Before I got Hep B+ diagnosis, I used to strength train a lot!
I haven’t strength trained like I used to do after the diagnosis, have lost muscle mass and weight I had developed before the diagnosis, did anyone experience this?
I plan to get back to intense strength training to build back my muscle and strength, has anyone successfully got back into strength training with hep b and gotten massive gains in terms of strength and muscle, or does hep b+ cap how much muscle or strength one can get even with strength training?

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Check with your doctor. I lost so much weight and virtually all muscle mass I just a couple of weeks. It was terrible.
I told doctors I wanted to start weight training to help get back on a positive routine
That said, it was strongly recommended I start with resistance training (bands) and I did this for about 2 months then moved to weights. WARNING: stabilizer muscles weren’t spared. I stuck with Smith machines til I felt comfortable enough to start lifting free weights again.
I feel much better but still fight to get my weight up due to the restrictive diet. But I feel healthier for sure. Now I just tire out a bit quicker as I increase weights and reps…
Good luck and take your time or you will hurt yourself!


I don’t think there is anything about hep B that would prevent muscle gain. I lift weights (though not for hypertrophy) and have gained a lot of energy during my day-to-day from doing it.


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Good morning Sir… What if one hasn’t started treatment, does it affect the ability to gain muscles? @ThomasTu
And can one use the gym? any safety precautions to be aware of… I heard sweat can’t transfer the virus…

Hi @sam12, the points above apply to people whether or not they are taking medication.

There should be no reason you cannot use the gym. You are correct that sweat can’t transfer the virus. I myself wear gloves when lifting to protect my hands from any skin tearing.


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I was thinking, due to the virus… the liver might not be able to make or convert protein to muscles… wrong assumption right? :joy: @ThomasTu

Thank you sir @ThomasTu

hey @sam12, I’m not a doctor but I’m pretty knowledgeable about nutrition and strength training from personal experience and interest. As long are you’re strength training and eating correctly with proper nutrients and enough protein and calories, you will still be able to build and maintain muscle. There’s nothing inherently about hep b virus that would change that. The only possible reason I think that you would be losing muscle or conditioning is if you feel sick and do less strength training, don’t lift as heavy or often, or don’t eat properly. As long as your nutrition is good and you train 2x ish a week with progressive overload you should be ok for muscle building!

Thank you very much! @kostas

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What do you think about this sir? @ThomasTu
Really curious on what the science or medicine says

In most people living with Hepatitis B, the liver functions normally and the synthetic/metabolic function does not significantly differ compared to people without hepatitis B. It may be different in people with advanced liver disease (e.g., cirrhosis), but most people with hep B don’t have cirrhosis.

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Thank you sir, well understood…

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