We’re passionate about uncovering the barriers that hinder YOU from effectively monitoring and treating Hepatitis B.
In Australia,

By delving into this research, we aim to investigate this community so we can help bridge the gap between care and treatment for Hepatitis B. To achieve this, we have designed this survey (follow the link if you’re interested) à Questionnaire for the ITEM-B study (Investigating Treatment Engagement and Monitoring among people living with hepatitis B) (qualtrics.com) to understand any barriers you encounter and why it prevents you from receiving the care and treatment you need.
The main target of this research is to pinpoint why people who have been diagnosed with hepatitis B have decided not to receive care and treatment. What is preventing them from seeking care and treating their hepatitis is the reason why we have developed the survey.
It is very important for us to understand this. If we know why you are not getting the treatment and care you need, we can develop new strategies or at least provide information to other organisations so they can develop initiatives that will help you overcome these barriers.